Sunday, January 10, 2010

TED talk: Sir Ken Robinson says schools kill creativity


  1. Thank you for that wonderful video. Ken Robinson was so very easy to listen to. His message was powerful and very thought provoking. Very few of us have the ability to look beyond some of the behaviors that students present in a classroom. The pressures of the "convential" classroom for test performance, along with the increased size of classes and intense variety of learners all contribute to the taxing of the educator, especially the in the elementary classroom (or has been my experience as a primary teacher). Behavior tracking forms are developed and put into place. It is all so suppresive and depressing.

    This honoring the creativity within and the simplicites of childhood remind me of that poem everything I need to learn I learned in Kindergarten. In kindergarten children are free to explore, they get extra play time, paint is always available, playdough fine motor skill opportunities that tapped into all of the senses. Nap time, sharing and attention to kindness.

  2. What can I say? You are taking this blogging by storm. Great job. The addition of Sir Ken Robinson was inspirational. I enjoyed his commentary and found his views to be thought provoking. Furthermore, I can see you are taking advantage of the things we went over in class. Good for you. You must have taken better notes than I, because I haven’t yet been able to get things to stay where I put them. I know I will, if I can get my computer to stop closing the program every time I try to publish. It’s something simple I know. Anyway, back to you Great Job, I like it. I like the fish too.

  3. It's awfully quiet over here, but I love the fish.
