Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Media Literacy: Day two

Very interesting day. I'd like to think I'm not overly pessimistic about the integrity of those who work within my chosen field (although, to be honest, I did not choose public relations - I chose graphic design - the location of the office and the whim of administration chose my current job title). I'm a little afraid of "guilt by association," especially after today's discussions, readings and listenings...

The old adage, "...absolute power corrupts absolutely" has had truth and meaning in every century, of course - it just feels so heightened in today's culture. Had I been a peasant toiling away on the countryside instead of sitting in front of a computer linked to 2/3 of the industrial world, I might not have questioned the excesses of the monarchy. (OK, I'd have complained and commiserated with my friends and family - but due to technological limitations (absences), the impact of my sentiments would not have traveled far. Secrets were far easier to keep in the good old days.

I didn't realize the extent to which I doubt the honesty of big business. My faith is Christian, my political leanings are conservative, I'm grounded in middle class America - but I never miss an episode of The Colbert Report or The Daily Show. (Colbert's "Word of the Day" is one of my iPhone apps, as well.) Feels like the only honest news on the air. I'm probably an odd demographic. Or just odd. Humor, for me, is as essential as breathing. And I find the need to laugh even greater this week, when I start to comprehend that a handful of corporations are ruling the "civilized" world through their greed and need for power, coupled with (supported by?) our need and greed for senseless "news" (think Lindsay Lohan, et al., - sigh -) and ceaseless advertising. Mostly I'm proud to be an American. Other days I'm a bit embarrassed when I flip to the BBC.

So, after we've made commercials obsolete with devices like Tivo, and product placement has saturated our culture, is it true that "we've ceased to be a culture at all?" ("The Persuaders," Frontline, pbs.org) If "electioneering" is all that our political candidates and their lobbyists are focused on, are we still a democracy? If as humans we function with 80% of our emotions, and only 20% of our intellect, will it take five of us to create one intellectual?

Have I been persuaded, informed or entertained through these massive, all-inclusive advertising efforts? Yes, of course. Guilty as charged.

Have I been critically thinking about what's behind the message, or about the psychology driving the sale? Not always. Not enough. We can't fast forward through an entire show to avoid the yammering (and occasionally, I must admit, hilarious) sales pitches. We can't fast forward through our lives to avoid them, either. Side thought? I have to admit it does like I've missed several years of my life - like Adam Sandler in that movie I admit I sat through one night - but only because I saw Christopher Walken on the screen - not that I dislike Adam Sandler, necessarily - but, to get back to the point, some portions of my life are certainly more blurry than others. Hmmm, I can still remember when television actually had periods of dead air at night. Before the birth of QVC. Obviously, there must not have been enough subliminal or overt messages flashing in my direction on those days. I'll have blame the kids, certainly not my choices...

I often want to rewind my car's radio like my television - because too often I'm guilty of not really living in the moment. "What did he just say? When was that concert? Did I miss my turn?" We can't rewind our dependency on entertainment, I suppose, but after today, I'm more tempted than ever to remove that dependency from my home. But then I'm afraid I couldn't do that to Comedy Central - even if I only watch two shows on their entire network. Maybe a little corruption's not always a bad thing.

1 comment:

  1. Denise,
    I've really enjoyed reading the comments on your blog -- loved this thought: "If as humans we ... only [use] 20% of our intellect, will it take five of us to create one intellectual?"

    We've missed you in class, and look forward to seeing you next week.

    Just wanted to let you know that we've been without cable for a while but get our Comedy Central fix via Hulu ( http://www.hulu.com/ ).
